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Thomas Gaiter Foundation provided financial assistance to the students affected by the decline of the coal mining industry.

Riverview Elementary Middle School
"Riverview Elementary Middle School received support from Thomas Gaiter Foundation who provided bracelets for our students that say "Choose to be Kind" in our school colors. I hope the day of kindness will bring our students a lot of joy and hope and that they will continue to "CHOOSE TO BE KIND everyday!" K. Hess, Principal, PK-8
J. M. Bevins Elementary School, GRUNDY, VIRGINIA

"Your contribution have made a big difference in our school. We were able to purchase equipment for PE such as stand up goals/balls, soft tail balls as well as catch it cups that aid with hand/eye coordination. With no play equipment, this has given the students something structured to keep them occupied. Not only does it encourage activity, the teachers report that discipline issues have improved.
Thank you so much for your kindness, we appreciate you more than you know".
Ms. Karen Sykes Brown

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